Tuesday, December 13

What About The Money?

In an earlier post, I asked about willingness to adopt if money was not an issue.  I really mean it: that money is NOT the issue at hand.  Countless times throughout our first adoption, we did not have the finances to proceed, yet God supplied in seemingly miraculous ways.  We firmly believe that if you are walking with God, seeking Him, and waiting on Him, He WILL provide what you need for your adoption.  There are myriads of grants and loans available for adopting families.  There are millions of feasible and viable fundraising ideas.  There are many many people that want to see kiddos in families, even if they cannot do it themselves.  They are happy to help a willing family with the expenses.  God values kiddos in families, and if this is what He has for your family, the finances will not be the stumbling block.  Trust Him with that.  Take a step of faith and look into adoption and see if the idea is right for your family, even if the financial aspect is not "perfect".

Here are is a site with 17 links to adoption grants and loans: 

Independent Adoption Center offers a list of financial aid and tax credits, including a link to discounted airfare for traveling families.

Nightlight offers a list of 27 financial aid opportunities, including those for kids with special needs and parents with military background. 

Here is a MASSIVE list of adoption fundraiser ideas, alphabetized. 

A fantastic list of 22 ways to raise money.

And another 101 ways to raise money for adoption.

Friends, I beg you.  Do not let finances be the hinderance to adoption.  This list I complied was from a very simple google search.  There are a million more ideas available.  The support network is there. It is just up to you to tap into the resources available to you. 

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