Tuesday, December 13

The Beginning... All Over Again


We did it.  We submitted our application.  We submitted the required family photo, and we paid the application fee.  We have officially applied to the agency, and thus starting our next adoption.  I felt pretty nerve-y yesterday.  Sorta jittery and on edge.

We had talked and decided that during the kiddos' nap time yesterday we would finish the application.  It was something I was unsure about; how much to push and how much to let Philip take the lead.  As it was, I feel comfortable about the process so far, and I feel like it has been a joint effort.  We finished the application in short order, and it was a positive experience.

The only people we have told so far are those we have asked to do reference letters for us (4 people: pastor, two random friends, and our martial arts instructor).  We haven't even told our parents, which is sorta freaky.  We will probably wait a while longer yet.  It's mostly because of not wanting to drag people through the emotional process and length of time and fuss of it all.  We will probably tell them when we finish our home study and begin the Dossier.

All of my kiddos' clothes gets handed down to younger kiddos in our church, which is super great.   I actually pulled a few things aside out of those bags, just in case.  I don't know the age or gender of Indiana (Indie-Anna or Indiana Jones??) so I don't know what gender of clothes to save.  So, I'll pass down everything but a few special items, and hope that maybe I will get hand-me-downs from someone in return when the time comes.

But all that aside.  We did it.  We began.

Now we will wait for AWAA to review the application and tell us we can begin gathering paperwork. My hands are gonna hate all the paper cuts they are gonna get, but it's still better than morning sickness.

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