Thursday, December 15

First Barrage of Paperwork

Good afternoon!

We were "officially" accepted into the AWAA India program today! I spoke briefly with the intake coordinator, answered a few questions, and then received via e-mail our first paperwork set.  Woot woot.  Here we go!

First steps are filling out things like program agreements, acknowledging client rights and responsibilities, grievance procedures, some service plans and program fees.  We will need to send in our first set of fees ($2800) with this paperwork.

This is the easy part, and I can fill out all this stuff from my desk.  :) We will mail it in asap, and be on our way!  We will be assigned a contact person here soon, and he/she will become our primary contact within the agency.  I really hope we get along with him/her, ha ha.  He/she will be nice, right?  And accommodating to our crazy life?

Paper cuts awaiting.

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