Ok. Whew. I have one insane weekend ahead of me, but at the moment I'm feeling pretty great about it. I spent about 5 hours last night, and another 3+ hours today working on adoption stuff, and I see the end in sight.
Specifically, Philip now has his "list" of items to do, and he knocked out 3 of them already. (Woot woot!) They are the financial documents that make my head ache. When I stopped by the police department, the girl at the desk was so supportive and awesome-- she made my day, and knocked out our "good conduct" letters within 3 hours. Philip is picking them up as I type. The police officers were awesome to the kiddos. It does my heart good when law enforcement and first responders are kind to my small folks. Someone in uniform can be scary, so I appreciate the help teaching the kiddos that law enforcement are real people, and are the good guys.
I wrote about 5 letters last night and today, explaining that I am unemployed, explaining that we don't need alternative childcare outside the home, explaining that Philip's brother and sister-in-law will take care of the kiddos should we not be able to (so morbid), explaining that we actually like India and are excited to have a child from there, etc. All of this will need to be notarized, and none of it really seems like something that would carry weight in real life. But, for the sake of India's government, we will jump through their hoops and barrels and give them whatever makes their heart happy.
Tchau for now.
Ha ha, when the girl called from the police department, I told her my husband would stop by and pick them up, and that he was a hot blond guy. So, when Philip went in, she took one look at him and exclaimed "Oh! You're the dad." Poor Philip had no idea how she recognized him, or the context of that until he got home. He was rather mortified.
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