Saturday, March 4

First Home Study Visit

We did it!  We survived!!!!!!  Today was the first of our two home visits from our social worker.  Whew.  Last night I was up until 2am, not cleaning.  Actually, I was working on stuff for my sister's baby shower on Sunday (tomorrow) and chatting with a friend that is going through some tough times. It was good.

I also discovered that the toilet was clogged downstairs, and at 2am could not find the toilet plunger. So, this morning, within minutes of our SW coming, I was running to the hardware store to buy a toilet plunger.

The sales clerk asked me, cheerfully, "So how is your day?!"
I blinked at her. "Um, I am buying a toilet plunger."
She sort of startled and was like, "Crappy day, huh?"

Otherwise, things went really well today. Our SW got here as the kiddos needed to go to nap, so we kept them up just a little longer so she could do the home inspection part upstairs in their rooms and whatnot.  She also asked them questions like, "Are you excited about having as sibling?" "Will you share your toys?" "What happens when you get into trouble?" "What are some of your favorite things to do?" "What happens when you're sad?" "Who cooks?" "What is your favorite food?"

Both kiddos listed hotdogs (and only hotdogs) as their favorite food.  I NEVER MAKE HOTDOGS.  I have no idea to what they are talking about. Otherwise, there was nothing horribly shocking.  Philip and I both got to be in on the interview.  I was really grateful that did not become an issue.

After the kiddos were at nap, she asked Philip and I questions about strengths in our relationship, the toughest things we have been through as a couple, our favorite memories, how we worked together, if we had made a decision on schooling (private, public or homeschool), etc.  She asked a lot of questions about how we planned to incorporate Indian culture into our home, which we didn't have fantastic ideas for.  She was super understanding and gracious (praise God) about the entire thing, especially me not cleaning everything, and I felt like things went really well.  She also interviewed Stasia, finished the home inspection, and gave us a rundown on the things we needed to have complete before her next visit next week.  Stasia's interview lasted less than 10 minutes, so I guess it went well.

We were not required to have things like baby gates or outlet plugs. Our first HS, we went overboard and had everything on hand, almost all of which we didn't need with the kiddos.  I think having healthy, happy kiddos on site was an advantage: proving we have done this before and haven't completely gummed it up.

One thing our SW was really excited about was the booklet we made our kiddos about their story.  This booklet includes pictures of their first mamas, the town they grew up in, and an age-appropriate explanation of how they came to be a part of our family.

Fingerprints are taking 6 weeks or so to complete, and some of the other background stuff is taking really long.  Some of that is outside our control, so we will finish up as much as we can in the next week, and hang tight for the stuff we still need.

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