Sunday, November 27

Where To Start? Domestic vs. International?

One thing that we have discussed many times is how to help our friends begin their own adoptions.  Many people have watched us and our family, and the consensus seems to be: "Good for you. That is too complicated for me.  I wouldn't even know where to begin."

If we could scream one thing to the world around us, it would be "YOU CAN ADOPT!  IT IS POSSIBLE!"

Finances, paperwork, time, and research aside, if you want to bring a child into your home, it IS possible.

The first question you need to ask is if nothing stood in your way, is this is something you want to do?  If the answer is "yes!" come along with us on our journey and learn a bit about the steps we are taking and how we are processing and making decisions.  Maybe the mystery of it all will be diminished enough and you will be emboldened to begin your own adoption journey.  As always, ask hard questions, wonder aloud, and I will be happy to share as much as I can to help.

One of the first questions you need to ask: Do I want to adopt domestically (from the USA) or internationally?

The needs are great everywhere.  A few statistics to get you started:

  • 425,000 children in the US foster care system.
  • 107,918 need forever families right now.
That means that there are over 100,000 kids that are currently waiting for a family like yours to say "yes" to them.  Kids wait in the foster care system an average of 3 years before being adopted.  3 years without a mama or a daddy.  3 years without a sense of belonging.  YOU have the ability to change that.
Each year, over 20,000 kids age out of the foster care system.  They turn 18 and are launched into the world without any place to call home or a family to belong to. YOU can change this.  

What happens to those kids?
  • Only half graduate from hi-school 
  • Less than 3% graduate from college 
  • 84% Became a parent by the age of 21 
  • Half are unemployed by the age of 24 
  • 1 in 4 have been homeless 
  • 1/3 are receiving public assistance
Again, YOU can change the world for one of these children.

These statistics are just those here in the USA.  Internationally, the statistics are much higher and more poignant.  

Adopting internationally is both the same and different.  International process is often longer, more expensive, and involves second or third world governments.  It involves cultures, languages, translations, and astronomical needs.

Did you know that the country of India is about 1/3 the land mass of the USA?  However, it contains 4 times the population of the USA.  Crazy! There are about 20 million orphans in India.  This is about 4% of their population, and is comparable to the entire population of Romania.  

The need, ladies and gentlemen, is astronomical.

YOU can change the world for one of these children.  

As yourself: is a child's life worth some inconvenience on your part?  Adoption is inconvenient.  I'm not gonna lie.  However, is valuing what God values and obeying Him more or less important that the comfortable life you have made for yourself?

Join us on our inconvenient journey as we explore what God might have in mind for us and our family.

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